Night driving poses a different set of challenges than driving during the day. The decrease in light can make any driver, even the most experienced one, subject to certain dangers and risks that may not be present when driving in the day. It is important for all drivers to understand the importance of understanding how to stay safe and avoid the hazards associated with night driving.
Dangers Present at Night
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in Washington, DC, there were 34,439 fatal crashes reported in the United States in 2016. This figure is nearly six percent higher than the fatal crash data reported in 2015 by NHTSA. These crashes resulted in 37,461 fatalities in 2016, a number that is 5.6 percent higher than in 2015.
The most dangerous month to drive, based on NHTSA data, is August, while Saturday is when most crashes and fatalities occur. Driving dangers are more pronounced at night, with drunk driving, nonuse of seat belts, and a driver’s rate of speed being some of the factors that contribute (or accelerate) the risk of a crash and/or fatality.
Safety Tips for Night Driving
Reducing the risk of crash or fatality when driving at night requires you as a motorist to be more vigilant when behind the wheel. Because lower visibility is an issue that is not present when driving during the day, it is always advisable to practice extra caution. This is true whether taking a trip around the block, across town or cross country. Adopting a defensive driving stance can go a long way toward keeping you safe from harm.
Never operate a motor vehicle when under the influence of medications or other impairments, such as alcohol. You should also never operate a motor vehicle when tired or feeling drowsy. It only takes a split second for your life to change, as well as that of any passengers or pedestrians who may be in the area as a result of a crash. If you require glasses when driving at night, wear them.
Or better still, ask another motorist in the household to take over the duties of driving if you feel that you may in any way compromise the safety of yourself or others. Finally, be wary of other motorists on the road when driving. You can take all of the safety precautions in the world to be safe and have it all taken away from you because of the irresponsibility of another driver. Again, being a defensive driver makes you a better driver.
Knowing the Numbers
Great Lakes Insurance is a leading independent insurance agency that is located in Cloquet and Duluth, MN. The agency offers its clients life, home, and auto insurance options, as well as other solutions for meeting the need for insurance coverage. As an independent agency, they are dedicated to providing their clients with the best advice and the insurance options that are personalized to meet their needs and budget.
We provide this information to help you make a more informed decision when deciding to drive at night. Knowing the numbers and these tips should help you avoid those situations that present the greatest potential for harm. If you do not have to drive at night, don’t. However, when on the road when the sun goes down, observe these tips and stay safe on the road.